
   A Little Bit Behind the Artist and the Paintbrush..

Hello from Jupiter, Fl!

I'm Katie, a professional surface pattern designer!

4 years ago right before Covid started, I picked up digital illustration when I was in the hospital on the verge of getting brain surgery due to my anti seizure medication no longer working.

I was on the hospital bed. preparing myself mentally for half of my hair about to be buzzed off. A nurse came to my bedside and started asking the basic questions such as.... "It says here on your list of medications that you take Depakote...this had side effects of thinning the blood. Im going to check with the surgeon."

The surgery was then cancelled. Divine Intervention! I got really lucky. I ended up finding the right meds without brain surgery and haven't had a seizure in almost 6 years now.

My dad bought me an iPad while I was in the hospital and I found Procreate and fell in love with designing! I've tapped into my love for watercolor painting as well.

I opened an Etsy shop during Covid and still have it! Currently being updated!

Fun facts:
Florida Native
Mother to a Cavalier King Charles doggie, Winston :) the greatest blessing of my life!
My dog and I have the same bday! 2/2!