I have to say, I’ve never loved a cat so much. My sister and I found Jammie on Petfinder, an adoption website.
I wanted to adopt a kitten, and he was close by at the local Cat Depot in Sarasota.
Online I noticed something a little different about him. He had a bit of a fluffy tail. I didn’t think too much about it, but I was on the fence.
There was a choice between Jammie and his brother! He was a cutie too. Jammie had an infection from the incision he had from being fixed, but his brother didn’t have any problems.
I would have to clean his infection a few times a day and put antibiotic drops in his food for a while. But that face…
Went for Jammie and I’m so glad I did. The vet at Cat Depot told me he was gonna get big. I didn’t know he meant 23 lbs!!
What Jammie does now
Jammie definitely has some quirks that make him so special! For example, in the morning when he’s hungry, he bats the mirror that hangs on my wall so I’ll fly out of bed to feed him! I can’t have my full body mirror breaking!
He also knows exactly when I’m making my bed and turns the chore into something I look forward to! I wont go on too much because we already know that I’m a crazy cat lady!

Turns out, he’s a Maine Coon Kitty! Makes sense! Just look at his back and his tail!

Karla Korn Photography
I have to tell you about my friend Karla that took these magnificent photos! We met when we were both working on the first Pelican Club wedding.
Somehow cats came up, and that was it. Instant connection! And the photos that I got back from that wedding really blew me away. If you want to checkout the photos, you can find them here!
We stayed in touch by random cat pictures, and we still do. I dreamed of her taking cat pictures. Don’t you love when dreams become realities?
Have fun looking through the crazy cat lady photos, and I highly recommend Karla Korn Photography!

How Did I Get So Lucky?
July 9, 2019